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9th year celebration

“The secret of a writer’s soul, the experience of his life, the quality of his mind is written largely in his works” A writer does not only pen down his thoughts while writing but also expresses his feelings through writing.

I am Diya Shah, a young writer, writing since I was 9. I have been a part of Word Munchers since the same age. I am currently 13. This year Word Munchers turned 9. I feel the ninth-year celebrations were foremost, very special and unique. Though virtual, our teachers had planned a week full of workshops that can help creative minds to improvise their thinking, they are free to innovate and create. We had sessions on how to build creative confidence and public speaking.

My experience in these years has been remarkable. I have experienced that I have never been satisfied with my work, hence working on it and improvising it has made my draft better and better. It is essential for being confident and sure about what you write. The creative topics have made me think deeply. It has also affected my language while writing as well as speaking. It is necessary to be confident as well as a polite speaker if we are keeping forward our opinion in any conversation.

Diya Barmecha who attended the workshop says “The workshops were different and unique. I always thought that writing was just about the idea but these workshops helped me realise that you need confidence and individuality as well.”
Learning has always been an important part of my life rather than the result. I have learnt many new skills which can help me in my future develop a personality.

Our future is skill-driven, hence it is important to know our goal and develop a skill and understand the concept instead of mugging up the matter.
Siddhant Vodela another attendee of the workshop says “I really enjoyed and benefited from the workshop, especially the workshop on creative confidence. These skills are important as we approaching an age where they will be prominent and needed in every field.”

Learning never marks an end. There is something or the other to learn and implement in every field.
Ishaan Poddar believes that “The topics given by word munchers for various workshops are very interesting and I enjoy writing on them. In the process we are learning various writing techniques like poems and Elfchens. These workshops allow my writings to be showcased to a larger audience of readers.”

Some of our ex-students Unnati Kumar and Nandini Agarwal share their experience about what they learnt and how it helped them grow;
“The classes extremely interactive and we learn new tricks and styles to help us improve ourselves, in a fun manner,”says Unnati
Nandini says “My writing skills really improved after joining the classes. We got interesting topics to write each week and I really enjoyed my classes.”

Writing is not only about using your pen on paper, most importantly one should write from his heart.


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