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India’s population can win us a seat in the UNSC


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The UN released the World Population Prospects 2022 report on Monday. The UN population report states that India is set to surpass China as the world’s most populous country by next year. Currently, according to the UN report, India’s population is 1.412 billion in 2022 while China’s population is 1.426 billion.

India’s claim for permanent membership in the UN Security Council may get strengthened if it surpasses China.

UN’s take on India becoming the populous country

According to UN officials, if India becomes a populous country, it may strengthen its claim to become a permanent member of the UN Security Council. India has been making efforts to reform the Security Council stating that it deserves to be a permanent member of the UNSC.

India has gone through a smooth transition in bringing the fertility rate down at a slow pace. Ageing will be a gradual process. In some ways, this process is better than the rapid change that happened in China.

UN Report on World Population Prospects

Some major points in the UN report include:

  • The report stated that the world’s most populous regions in 2022 are Eastern and South-Eastern Asia which represents 29% of the global population. Central and Southern Asia is another region which represents 26% of the global population.
  • China and India are declared as countries with the largest populations.
  • The report also stated that there will be an increase in the global population by 2050. it will happen in countries of Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Tanzania.
  • The population growth rate in the countries will change their ranking by size.

The UN Population report also said that once India is able to do its census, the UN’s Population Estimates and Projection Section will take in the new information and reassess it. India might surpass China as the world’s most populous country in 2023.

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