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Image depicting Belgian restricts TikTok over privacy concerns!

Belgian restricts TikTok over privacy concerns!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young explorer! Today, we’re going to learn about something called TikTok and some interesting stuff happening with it in Belgium. It’s like a little story, so let’s dive in and have some fun!

So, TikTok is like a special app where people share fun videos with each other. Imagine it’s like a magical place where you can show off your dance moves, sing songs, or tell funny stories through videos. But guess what? In Belgium, which is a cool country in Europe, the government said, “No TikTok on our special phones!”

You know, TikTok is owned by a company from China called ByteDance. They made this app that became super popular all around the world. But in Belgium, the grown-ups in charge of keeping things safe got a little worried about TikTok. They thought it was taking too much information from people, like a curious squirrel collecting lots of nuts.

TikTok, Trust, Tensions!

  • Now, let’s talk about some important things. First, the workers who work for the Belgian government won’t be allowed to use TikTok anymore on their special work phones. It’s like saying, “No more fun TikTok during work hours!”
  • Second, TikTok was told to work together with some people from China who look out for important things. But that made the Belgian authorities say, “Wait a minute! We want to keep our friends safe, so we won’t let TikTok play on our phones.”
  • The grown-ups in charge really care about everyone’s secrets, so they want to keep the stuff you do on TikTok secret too.
  • TikTok didn’t feel very happy about this decision. They said, “Hey, we have special places to keep the videos safe in the United States and Singapore. We’re even building new safe spots in Europe!”
  • TikTok’s creators also said, “Nobody can take the secrets stored in other countries, not even if someone asks really nicely.” They’re like, “No, no, no, secrets are secrets!”
  • On the other hand, the people from China said they don’t have plans to take secrets from other places. They’re like, “We promise, we’re not secret snatchers!”
  • Interesting thing, a month ago, even the people working for the European Commission and the European Parliament said, “No TikTok on our special phones either!” It’s like a big group decision – no TikTok for them either.
  • So, what do you think, little buddy? It seems like the grown-ups in Belgium and even in Europe want to keep everyone’s videos and secrets safe. They’re being careful like superheroes, making sure no bad guys get the secrets.
  • And that’s the interesting story of TikTok and Belgium! TikTok is like a super fun app, but in Belgium, they’re taking extra care of secrets and keeping everything safe. Isn’t that pretty interesting? So, if you ever visit Belgium, you might not see people using TikTok on their special phones, but they’ll still be having lots of fun in other ways!
  • Remember, it’s always important to have fun and stay safe, just like the grown-ups are doing with TikTok. Keep on smiling and learning, little buddy! 

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For guidance on enabling and making use of TikTok’s Family Safety Mode, check out the accompanying how-to video.

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