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Image depicting Webb telescope finds really old galaxies!

Webb telescope finds really old galaxies!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The James Webb Telescope has found four of the oldest galaxies in the universe! The discovered galaxies were born just 300 million years after the Big Bang.

This is a very important discovery because it helps us understand more about how the universe was created.

Important Details

  • The James Webb Telescope is a very powerful telescope that can see very far away.
  • It was named after a man named James Webb who helped NASA with space exploration.
  • The four galaxies that were found are very far away from us, so they are very hard to see.
  • They are also very old, which means they have formed a long time ago.
  • Scientists think that these galaxies can help them understand how the universe was formed.

Youtube user “Science Time” shares possibilities regarding the origin of the big bang.

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