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Image depicting Ghugni Chaat - Yummy In My Tummy!

Ghugni Chaat – Yummy In My Tummy!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Hey there, little food adventurer! Get ready to go on a taste bud tickling journey with a dish called Ghugni Chaat! It’s a delicious snack that will make your tummy happy and your taste buds do a little dance.

Important Details

  • Now, let us spill the beans (literally!) about Ghugni Chaat. It’s a popular street food from India that’s loved by people of all ages, including kids like you! Ghugni Chaat is made with yellow peas that are cooked until they become soft and flavorful. It’s like a little army of tiny beans ready to bring joy to your mouth!
  • The best part about Ghugni Chaat is that it’s not just plain old peas. No way! It’s loaded with lots of exciting flavors and toppings that make it extra special. Imagine a party in your mouth with a mix of spices, tangy sauces, and crunchy bits.
  • When you have a plate of Ghugni Chaat in front of you, get ready to dive into a world of toppings. You can sprinkle some fresh onions on top for a little crunch and extra zing. Squeeze a bit of lemon juice to add a tangy twist. And if you like it spicy, you can add some chopped green chilies or a pinch of red chili powder. But be careful, it might make your tongue tingle!
  • But wait, there’s more! Ghugni Chaat is often served with a special ingredient called tamarind chutney. It’s a sweet and sour sauce that adds a burst of flavor to every bite. Just a drizzle of this magical sauce can take your taste buds on a roller coaster ride of yumminess!
  • In India, you can find this mouthwatering snack at street food stalls or small food carts. The vendors cook it up right in front of you, making it a fun and exciting experience. But don’t worry if you can’t go all the way to India just yet. You can also try making it at home with the help of a grown-up chef!
  • So, food explorer, get ready to embark on a flavor-filled adventure with Ghugni Chaat. It’s a snack that will make you say, “Yummy in my tummy!” Happy munching!

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Watch a video

Discover the secrets of creating mouthwatering Ghugni Chaat in this captivating video!

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