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Image depicting Rozgar Mela Exposes Scammers, Celebrates Jobs!

Rozgar Mela Exposes Scammers, Celebrates Jobs!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In a gathering called the ‘Rozgar Mela’, Prime Minister Narendra Modi distributed 70,000 appointment letters to bright young recruits joining various government departments and organizations.

However, his address went beyond mere celebrations, as he emphasized the importance of fair recruitment processes and warned the youth about the negative impact of dynasty politics and nepotism.

Without directly mentioning any names, PM Modi shed light on recent incidents like the ‘cash-for-jobs scam’, where rates were fixed for different positions in a State.

He also mentioned the ‘land-for-jobs scam’, involving a former Railway Minister who acquired land in exchange for employment, a case currently under investigation by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).

Important Details

  • During his speech, the Prime Minister drew a stark contrast between political parties that offer jobs in exchange for money and his own government, which prioritizes the welfare and future of the youth. He urged the country to make a choice between a future dictated by a “rate card” or one protected by his government.
  • PM Modi further emphasized his government’s commitment to language diversity and employment opportunities. While some political parties aim to divide people based on language, his administration has focused on making language a strong medium for employment. He highlighted the benefits of conducting recruitment examinations in one’s mother tongue, empowering the youth.
  • The recipients of the appointment letters, hailing from different parts of the country, will be joining government departments such as Financial Services, Posts, School Education, Revenue, Atomic Energy, Higher Education, Audit and Accounts. As well as Ministries of Defence, Health and Family Welfare, Railways, and Home Affairs, among others.
  • This marked a significant milestone in the lives of the newly recruited individuals. It also served as a reminder of the government’s commitment to transparency, fairness, and equal opportunities for all. The Prime Minister’s words resonated with the young audience. Further, inspiring them to strive for a better future, free from corruption and unfair practices.

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