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Image depicting Scorching Shutdown: Iran's Respite!

Scorching Shutdown: Iran’s Respite!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hello, little explorer of words! Imagine it’s so hot outside that your ice cream melts before you even get a lick. Well, that’s what’s happening in Iran, a far-off land. The sun there is grumpier than your grumpy cat, Mr. Whiskers, on bath day. It’s so hot that people can’t go outside to work or play.

Iran’s Heatwave Holiday

  • In Iran’s capital, Tehran, the weather forecast shows a sizzling 39° Celsius on August 2, which is hotter than the temperature when we bake cookies! So, the government has decided to treat these two hot days, August 2 and August 3, like holidays. They’ve asked everyone, especially the older folks and those not feeling well, to stay home, kind of like a super-hot snow day.
  • In southern Iran, it’s even toastier. The city of Ahvaz felt like it was inside a dragon’s mouth, reaching 51° Celsius this week, that’s even hotter than your bath water. Mr. Ali Bahadori-Jahromi, the government’s official talker, told everyone to treat Wednesday and Thursday as vacation days. The health doctors are also preparing their hospitals to take care of people who might feel unwell because of the heat.
  • Now, you must be thinking, why is it getting so hot? Well, remember when we talked about how people are hurting our Earth by causing climate change? This is one of the ways it shows up. Just like when you don’t clean your room for a long time, and it gets messy, the Earth is heating up because we’ve been messy with the environment.
  • So, the story here is like this: Iran is throwing two unexpected holidays because Mr. Sun decided to turn up his heat. They want everyone to stay home and be safe, especially the older people and those who aren’t feeling well. This super-hot weather is because we haven’t been taking good care of our Earth. We have to remember to clean up our messes, not just in our rooms but also on our planet, so we don’t have too many hot days like this.

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