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Image depicting Misunderstandings Break Gurugram's Harmony!

Misunderstandings Break Gurugram’s Harmony!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Imagine walking down your street in Gurugram, and you notice something’s off. Fewer cars are zooming by, and some shops have their ‘Closed’ signs hanging up.

Well, that’s what happened in Gurugram. A big disagreement between two religious groups, the Hindus and the Muslims, had folks quite worried.

A Parade Turned Problematic

This whirlwind started with a Hindu parade, right in a neighbourhood where a lot of Muslims live. Like when a really loud thunderstorm scares you during a picnic, it turned a fun time into a not-so-fun time. Sadly, the disagreements led to four people, including two brave police officers, losing their lives and around 60 people getting hurt.

By the time people were waking up the next day, news came that two more people had sadly lost their battles with their injuries.

When Unrest Unraveled

The confusion and commotion decided to take a tour, spreading to other parts of Gurugram, and it didn’t stop there. A mosque, which is a special place where Muslims go to pray, was harmed, and some of the nearby shops and restaurants were damaged too. It was as if a very mean and invisible giant had stomped through the town.

Finding the Ringleaders

The Chief Minister of Haryana state (that’s like being a state governor), Manohar Lal Khattar, announced that they had identified 116 people who they believed had started the entire kerfuffle and had taken them to the police station.

Now, you may be thinking, what happened to all the people working at big companies in the city like Google and American Express? Well, we’re not sure if they managed to make it to work that day or if they had a surprise day off.

Safety First, Always!

As for the schools, even though they were allowed to reopen, many chose to have classes online. Just like when we play safely to avoid scraped knees and elbows, they wanted to keep everyone safe from harm.

But, not everything was upside down. The police said things were starting to look like any other day, and schools and offices were back in action. Still, they made a new rule that groups of more than three people couldn’t gather in public. The police were also keeping a close watch for any big gatherings, especially by some Hindu groups.

Lessons from the Past and Hopes for the Future

Unfortunately, this wasn’t the first time such a disagreement had happened. In 2020, a new law about who could be a citizen caused a huge ruckus in Delhi, another city in India. Over 50 people sadly lost their lives in that disagreement, which was also between Hindus and Muslims.

All these events teach us an important lesson – it’s much better to talk about our differences and understand each other rather than fight. After all, everyone has a right to live happily and safely, regardless of what they believe in. So, next time you have a disagreement with a friend, remember Gurugram, and choose peace and understanding. It’s the superhero thing to do!

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