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Image depicting Passion Profession - Mobile Application Developer!

Passion Profession – Mobile Application Developer!


Recommended for Careers

Do you like exploring your mobile applications (apps)? Then here is a career which can be real fun for you – a Mobile Application Developer.

Fun facts about a Mobile Application Developer!

  • Mobile application development is the process of creating software apps that run on a mobile device. The apps can be games, websites, educational tools and more.
  • Mobile application developers have an excellent working knowledge of both smartphones and tablets.
  • A mobile developer should be good in IT programming and have knowledge of computer languages such as C++, Java, HTML, MySQL, PHP, Objective-C, and Wireless Networks.
  • They work closely with computer analysts and engineers for developing mobile apps.

Duties & Responsibilities

  • Create, maintain and implement the source code to develop mobile apps.
  • Meet the needs and requirements of the clients using computer programming languages.

Educational Requirements

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or Information Systems is required to enter this profession.
  • However, higher positions will require higher education levels such as a Master’s degree.
  • In this industry, one should also do an internship to gain good experience.

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If you love exploring all the new technology possibilities then you must opt for a career in mobile app development. It will give you a good opportunity to try new and interesting things.

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