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Measure stress – Scientists create tiny stick-on device


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Stress is not good for health. But can one measure stress? Scientists have created a device which can! Let’s learn more about it.

When we are under physical and mental stress or in danger, our body produces cortisol or the stress hormone. This hormone increases our energy production to help fight whatever “danger” we are facing. However, too much of it is bad for our body. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes and depression.

Scientists have developed a soft, silicon device that can be stuck on to the skin to analyse body sweat. It can measure cortisol, blood sugar, and vitamin C in the sweat.

The device is connected to an app on the wearer’s smartphone and it sends the information there. The app studies the information and gives results.

This device can help people keep a check on their stress levels and measure stress throughout the day. Since it gives results fast, it can also help people be prepared if they have anxiety or panic attacks regularly.

The device was tested in a laboratory-gym for a week. It showed that the data collected to measure stress is quite reliable.

Mental health is one of the biggest issues we face today. It is important to take care of it. So, devices like these that can help us check our stress levels can help our mental health.

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