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Glaciers melting in China at a shocking pace


Recommended for Middle Grades

Hey there! Let us tell you a cool story about the Qilian Mountain range in China. It’s like a big, beautiful playground for glaciers!

So, the Qilian Mountain range has a whopping 2,684 glaciers. Can you believe that? It’s like having a gazillion ice cubes all in one place. But guess what? Those glaciers are melting super fast because of something called global warming. It’s like a race against time for the ice!

This mountain range is about 800 kilometers long. That’s like traveling from your house to your friend’s house, then to the moon, and back again. It’s huge! And you know what’s even cooler? It’s near the Tibetan plateau, which is like the rooftop of the world.

Glacial Retreat

  • Now, there’s this glacier called Laohugou No. 12, which is like the superstar of the Qilian Mountain range. It’s about as big as twenty soccer fields! But here’s the not-so-funny part: since the 1950s, it has been shrinking like crazy, about 450 meters. That’s like a hundred and fifty elephants lined up in a row!
  • Not only that, this glacier has become 7% smaller since scientists started keeping an eye on it. And get this, it’s losing thickness faster than a melting popsicle in summer. Oh no!

  • Wait, there’s more! Across the mountains, the glaciers are retreating 50% faster between 1990 and 2010 than they did from 1956 to 1990. It’s like they’re trying to escape from something. Can you imagine ice on roller skates? That’d be hilarious!
  • But here’s the serious part. When these glaciers melt, they cause flooding during some seasons. It’s like having a water park where you don’t want it. But when people need water for farming, there’s a shortage. It’s like a roller coaster of water problems!

  • Oh, and did you know that global warming is also causing less rain and snowfall? It’s like Mother Nature forgot to order the fluffy white snowflakes and big raindrops. So, people are getting less water from the sky, and that’s not cool.
  • Even other parts of the Tibetan plateau are losing their icy goodness. And that’s a problem because it affects important rivers like the Yangtze. These rivers are like lifelines for people, providing water for drinking, farming, and all sorts of things. We gotta take care of them!

  • So, my little friend, it’s important to remember that these glaciers are shrinking faster than a cheetah chasing its lunch. We need to protect our planet, stop global warming, and maybe even throw a big ice party to make the glaciers feel better. Are you in?

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