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Image depicting amazing videos of outer space, Curious Times

“Escape” from Earth with these amazing videos of outer space


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Do you wonder what our planet looks like from outer space? Unfortunately, only a few lucky people will get to see this with their own eyes.

But don’t feel sad. NASA is here to help all of us experience what being in outer space looks like. Taken by NASA’s Hubble space telescope and other technologies, these videos are in 4K quality. 4K means the videos have very sharp (good) image quality.

Here are five amazing videos. Tell us which you like the best!

  1. This is a video of galaxies in outer space

2. See our Moon up close


3. Below, you can see Jupiter (the solar system’s largest planet).

4. See Earth from space:

5. See how small Mercury looks as compared to the Sun:


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Scientific videos, animations and simulations are a great way to understand what actually happens in space. Of course, we cannot see them in real-time and so, computer-generated visuals and content can really help. In our space news for kids, we try to bring to you interesting research and videos that will keep your curiosity sky high.

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