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A Day Without WiFi

This is 2020 . . . a year when most of us are using Wi-Fi. Ever since Covid-19 inflicted the world, we are confined to the four walls of our house. Everything is carried out online sitting in one place. To do so, one needs a good internet connection, and if that internet is wireless and occurs through a router, it is a Wi-Fi connection.

Wi-Fi has come quite handy during this critical time. Students, teachers, office workers and common people all are using Wi-Fi, to carry on with their official and day-to-day work. For instance, students for attending classes, elders for writing e-mails and getting connected to their colleagues for meetings, and there are some others who surf the internet for pleasure and keeping themselves abreast of what is happening around.

Even though Wi-Fi is a useful tool, and we all need it, a day without it would be the happiest day of my life at least. It would be a day different from all others. If I came across a day without Wi-Fi, I would be extremely overjoyed as I would not have to attend my classes virtually. And since there would be no classes, there would also be no homework to do in the evening!

Even my dad would not be able to work and attend meetings, so he would have to set aside his computer! My Mom usually listens to the news on the TV and watches movies on Netflix, but the TV would not work without Wi-Fi. Since there would be nothing for my parents to engage themselves in, they would be forced to play board games with me, especially the ones they do not like! I would be able to invite my friends also and play with them on the society grounds.

I would read books, as reading is one of my all-time interests. Since I rise early in the morning to attend my school, on a day like this, I would allow myself long sleepy hours…Zzzzz. At night, I would spend some quality time with my parents before going to sleep; I would talk, crack jokes, and play ‘Atlas’.

And then, very happily, I would go off to sleep, hoping for having yet another day without Wi-Fi.

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5, Pathways World School, Gurugram, Haryana

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