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A little unsure….

This Sunday, we bring a special poem for our Young Audience!
Sunjay Anand, writes this lovely and insightful poem.
Our Curious Readers will definitely love this short poem!

Have you ever walked,
A little unsure of your steps.

Have you ever sang,
A little unsure of your rhythm.

Have you ever laughed,
A little unsure of your pain.

Have you ever cried,
A little unsure of your tears.

Have you ever gasped,
A little unsure of your breath.

Have you ever dreamt,
A little unsure of your vision.

Have you ever loved,
A little unsure of your emotion.

Have you ever prayed,
A little unsure of your reason.

There are no tricks to a good life,
There are no guarantees on the side.

You just need to keep moving on,
Holding tight onto your fears

Digging deep within your faith,
Looking far beyond the unseen.

That’s the only path to victory,
A little unsure though at the beginning.

All of us are in uncertain times, we are all a little unsure of everything and every step! We will all be able to correlate this poem to ourselves, irrespective of our age too.

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Sunjay Anand

Sunjay is a sales professional with expertise in training and insurance.
He is the Co-founder of Summer Pebbles, a Learning & Development platform, which aims at bringing a paradigm shift in the field of education.


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