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Authors, here’s how you can make the most of Twitter!

Twitter India shares with our young, creative authors, how they can make the most of Twitter.

Fiction, non-fiction, romance, comics, biographies and memoirs – the #BookTwitter community brings to life all these genres of stories and many others. It connects people to celebrate books and reading, making the author-reader relationship on Twitter truly unique.

Well-known, indie and upcoming authors Tweet chat with readers, as well as, share important updates with their fans on the service.

If you’re an author, you too can stay connected with your readers on Twitter by following these simple yet impactful tips.

Use Threads or build newsletters to tell a long-form story

To share information on your upcoming book launch, seminar or even interesting excerpts and anecdotes, which are longer than 280 characters, you can use Twitter Threads. It will connect all your Tweets to form one cohesive stream. You can either Tweet the full thread all together or Tweet by Tweet over time.

Retweet with a comment

To provide additional context to your readers, Retweet with a comment Tweets of your #WritingCommunity members. You can add additional text, images, GIFs, or videos to a Retweet with this feature.

Make an announcement

You can share updates with your fans on Twitter ranging from book tours to cover reveals in order to create excitement and help them stay informed about your latest projects.

Share what you’re Reading

Everyone loves to build a to be read (TBR) pile, let the author community know by sharing what you’re currently reading. You can also mention other authors or publishing houses by including their Twitter handle or tagging them in a photo, or maybe hosta Twitter Poll to invite readers to vote on what to read next while asking them to share titles that are on their TBR list.

Include more than one image in a single Tweet

You can Tweet one to four images at a time, so make the most of this feature and add some visual appeal to your timeline by sharing the moments that are most important to you or thoughts that you connect with.

Thank your Readers for helping you grow

Your fans and followers would love to celebrate your success with you. You can Tweet with images or videos to make them feel a part of your joy. This is also a great way to publicise and drive awareness about your accomplishments.

Lastly, while you’re on the service, remember it’s not all about business and have some fun. Don’t be afraid to share insights, join conversations or hit Retweet on your favorite meme.

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