Autobiography of board game – “Game of Life”
Listen to the autobiography
It was dark and huge factory machines surrounded were surrounding me. I was born on 16th August 2009 in Chicago. It felt unreal. I was clueless about where I was, many people were boxing my friends and finally, it was my turn. My box is blue in color and my board is very colorful. There are cars, pink and blue pods, and an instruction manual included in me.
Overall, I am a very fun enjoyable game. I was then being shipped to a huge toy company in India called Hamley’s. The workers at Hamley’s displayed me on a shelf next to the entrance entering door near other toys like Chess and Carrom. For the initial days, no one took me home but, I did get to make a lot of friends. Finally, after weeks of staying there, a family of four bought me. I was overjoyed!
The next day I was stored on a young girl’s shelf. The first few days I thought no one was going to play with me but, one night the young girl suggested playing with me. The family instantly agreed. The young girl removed me from the shelf, I was astonished why?! The family had no clue how to play with me, so they read the instruction manual.
The young girl’s dad read aloud, “This game can be played with 2-6 players”. “The optic aim of the game is to earn money, buy homes and collect life tiles.” “The player with the most money wins.” “You need to attach buildings, mountains, and the spinning wheel to the board.” “You get a car and pink and blue pods to resemble yourself in the game”. “Enjoy!” this can be written as one dialogue as it is being said by a single person.
They started playing with me. That night there was a lot of chitter-chatter and as they enjoyed themselves a lot. The next day the young girl kept badgering her parents to play with her, but they were busy. However, They love playing with me and they play together every weekend.
I remember once, they took me to their neighbor’s house and they all played together. But to everyone’s dismay, the neighbors had a cat which destroyed the game in the middle. As a result, My owners lost many cars and pods, they spent the entire night looking for the pieces but in the end they did find them. That was quite a memorable night.
I am still with my owners and they still play with me. It has been 6 use number words months since they got me and they still love to play with me, it is a family bonding experience for them. I am lucky to have such delightful owners like them. I would describe myself as a kind, friendly and loving game. I would not have my life any other way and I am enjoying my life to the fullest!
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