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Word of the Day

  • Conserve  

    Verb | kOn-suhrv

    to prevent land, water, or other natural resources from being damaged or destroyed

  • Responsible  

    Adjective | ri-spOn-suh-buhl

    deserving to be blamed for something that has happened

  • Repetition  

    Noun | re-pi-tIsh-uhn

    the act of repeating something

  • Ambitious  

    Adjective | am-bIsh-uhs

    determined to be successful, rich, famous etc

  • Description  

    Noun | dis-krIp-shuhn

    a statement about what someone or something is like

  • Attentive  

    Adjective | uh-tEn-tiv

    listening to or watching something carefully

  • Ransack  

    Verb | RAN-sak

    to search through and steal from in a forceful and damaging way

  • Aggregate  

    Noun | AG-rih-gut

    the whole sum or amount