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Word of the Day

  • Dimension  

    Noun | dih-men-shuhn

    a measurement of something in a particular direction, especially its height, length, or width

  • Passage  

    Noun | pas-ij

    a usually long and narrow part of a building with rooms on one or both sides, or a covered path that connects places

  • Drowsy  

    Adjective | drou-zee

    being in a state between sleeping and being awake

  • Convince  

    Verb | kuhn-vins

    to persuade someone or make someone certain

  • Equivalent  

    Adjective | ih-kwiv-uh-luh nt

    having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc.

  • Huddle  

    Verb | huhd-l

    to come close together in a group, or to hold your arms and legs close to your body, especially because of cold or fear

  • Unexpected  

    Adjective | uhn-ik-spek-tid

    Not expected (believed to be going to happen or arrive); unforeseen; surprising

  • Vertical  

    Adjective | vur-ti-kuhl

    standing or pointing straight up or at an angle of 90° to a horizontal surface or line

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