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My Expressions

Climate Action Promise

“When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the conditions in which it grows, not the flower”
As goes the above saying it is not that we have to change the climate but it is the us who requires to change ourselves by our Climate Action.

We promise to take steps to safeguard of our environment and climate which requires the Climate Action that is

  1. Population Control- The population growth has direct and indirect consequences on the environment and affect climate change
  2. Reduce the production and use of fossil fuels like petrol and diesel. They constitute 75% of greenhouse gasses which cause global warming and climate change.
  3. Reducing the green house gas emissions like carbon dioxide and methane from industries and automobiles.
  4. Use of renewable sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy, hydroelectric and nuclear energy.
  5. Household mitigations like switching off electrical appliances like light bulbs and fans when not in use, use of solar water heaters, partial or complete replacement of our electrical needs with solar energy, reduce the paper use, use of biogas plants for cooking needs.
  6. Reduce the use of individual cars and promote carpooling, use of public transport and bicycles.
  7. Food habit changes- reduce the use of nonvegetarian diet as the rearing of cattle accounts for the generation of methane gas which is a greenhouse gas.
  8. Reduce deforestation and promote reforestation.
  9. Promote recycling.
  10. Sustainable urban planning with attention to water conservation, tree plantations, gardens, waste management and power generation with solar panels and wind energy.
  11. Sustainable agriculture to promote water conservation and minimal use of chemical fertilizers.
  12. Water conservation.
  13. Reduce crop burnings and steps to reduce forest fires.
  14. Educating people regarding the environment and climate changes and the steps that can be taken to improve them.


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Abdul Rahman Siddiqui

Grade 4, My School, Tirur, Malappuram, Kerala

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