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Image depicting Crayon Drawing: Colorful Flute, Mor Pankh Art

Crayon Drawing: Colorful Flute, Mor Pankh Art

Image depicting Crayon Drawing: Colorful Flute, Mor Pankh Art

Aishwarya Gupta, your crayon drawing of Lord Krishna’s symbols is a delightful expression of devotion! The vibrant colors and the playful depiction of the butter pots, flute, and peacock feather truly capture the essence of Jai Shri Krishna. Your crayon drawing artwork reminds us of the joy and innocence associated with this beloved Hindu god.

Lord Krishna: The Divine Cowherd

Lord Krishna, the divine cowherd, is known for his love of butter and his playful nature. He is often depicted playing the flute (bansuri) and wearing a peacock feather (mor pankh) on his head.

Drawing is a wonderful way for children to express their creativity and learn about different cultures. It is also a fun and relaxing activity that can be enjoyed at home.

Kids Art: Jai Shri Krishna!

For this Janmashtami, let’s celebrate Lord Krishna by creating our own colorful crayon drawings. Here are a few easy steps to get you started:

  1. Gather your supplies: You will need crayons, paper, and a pencil.
  2. Sketch your design: Lightly sketch the outline of Lord Krishna’s symbols, such as the butter pots (makhan), flute (bansuri), and peacock feather (mor pankh).
  3. Start coloring: Fill in your drawing with bright and cheerful colors. Remember, Lord Krishna is often associated with the colors yellow and blue.
  4. Add details: Use different shades of crayons to add depth and texture to your drawing. You can also add glitter or other embellishments to make your artwork even more special.
  5. Sign your artwork: Don’t forget to sign your name and date your masterpiece!

Colorful Art: Share Your Creativity with the World

Once you have finished your drawing, be sure to share it with your friends and family. You can also submit your artwork to Curious Times at -> We would love to see your creative interpretations of Lord Krishna!

Aishwarya Gupta, you are a talented young artist with a bright future ahead of you. Keep creating and sharing your beautiful artwork with the world!

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Aishwarya Gupta

3, Shalom Hills International School, Gurugram , Haryana

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