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Image depicting Cute Indoor Planter: A Fun DIY Project

Cute Indoor Planter: A Fun DIY Project

Image depicting Cute Indoor Planter: A Fun DIY Project

Wow, Miss Prashikha! This is a fantastic example of how to reuse and recycle materials into something beautiful and useful – an indoor planter! In your image, it looks like you’ve taken a wooden table easel and turned it into a creative plant holder. Two small, glass jars hang from the rungs of the easel. The jars appear to be filled with soil and green, leafy plants.

Indoor planters are a great way to add a touch of life and color to your room, and they’re also a fun way to showcase your creativity. Using an easel as an indoor planter is a particularly unique idea – we love the way you’ve thought outside the box!

This project is sure to inspire other Curious Times readers to design their own one-of-a-kind indoor planters. Great work, Miss Prashikha! Keep up the fantastic crafting!

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3, Delhi Public School Jankipuram Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

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