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Cybercrime is a big threat!

Everyone thinks that only stealing some one’s data is cybercrime. But in defining terms we can say that Cyber Crime refers to the use of electronic devices like mobile or computer for stealing someone’s data and trying to harm them through a computer or phone etc.
Besides, it is an illegal activity, which involves a series of issues ranging from theft to using your system or IP address for committing the crime.

Types of Cybercrimes

We can say that cybercrimes could be of four types:

  • Financial
  • Privacy
  • Hacking
  • Cyber terrorism

Financial Cybercrime

They steal the money of users and account holders. They steal data of companies, which can lead to cybercrime. Transactions are highly risked because of such cybercriminals. Each year hackers steal lakhs and crores of rupees of businessmen and government

Privacy Cybercrime

It means stealing your private data, which you don’t want to share with the world. Moreover, due to it, people suffer a lot of hardships, even leading up to depression and suicides due to their data misuse.

Hacking Cybercrime

They intentionally deface a website to cause damage or loss to the public owner. IN addition to this, they make changes or destroy the website to diminish its value.

Cyber Terrorism

In this modern time, terrorism has grown way beyond how it was 10-20 years back. Cyber terrorism is not just related to terrorists and terrorist organisations but related to threat people and property to the level of creating ongoing fear among people and governments.

Some Laws related to cybercrime

  • To stop the spread of cybercrime and protect people, the Government has made several laws.
  • These laws serve as protection against cybercrime.
  • The government has introduced cyber cells in police stations to counter the problem of cybercrime, as soon as they can.
Credit: pxhere

Ways to stop cybercrime

It is not that we cannot deal with it ourselves. With a little use of common sense and logic, we can stop cybercrime from happening.


  • Cybercrime is a dangerous offense to someone’s privacy and material.
  • We can avoid cybercrime by using common sense and logic.
  • Cybercrime is a violation of not just law but of human rights also.
  • In this age of technology and easy internet, anyone can reach us. Because of growth in the past decade, the internet has opened a world of information and where everyone can connect.
  • It is due to this, rate of crime, especially the cybercrime has increased much fold. The rate of circulation of data has also increased much fold, especially due to the higher speed of the internet.

This is why Cyber Security has become a major concern for society.

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Vani Purohit

8, Calorx Public School, Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad, Gujarat

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