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Divisha Khair’s Poetic Revelation: Equality Unveiled

Divisha Khair’s poem on ‘Girls and boys are the same!’. A powerful message promoting equality.

Boys and girls we are all the same
Be it in age or be it in name

Differentiating us? From where that came?
Girls and boys, we are all the same

Girls are not just some old toy
They are pretty and better than a boy

If you don’t think this you are lame
Girls and boys we all are same

Boys may be brave but girls too aren’t scared
They are solved and their lives are layered

Boys and girls may have two different lanes
But boys and girls we are all same

From the Editor:

Divisha Khair, your poem “Girls and boys are the same!” is a testament to your empowerment spirit. Your words carry the power to break down stereotypes and promote equality.

At just sixth grade, your insight and understanding of gender equality are impressive. Your poem demonstrates maturity beyond your years.

Your poem is not just words; it’s a call for change. It challenges norms and encourages a more inclusive world.

Bright Literary Future

Divisha, your contribution to Curious Times is inspiring. Keep nurturing your talent; your future in literature is bright. You have already shown the potential to influence minds and make a difference. Keep writing, keep advocating, and keep shining your light on important issues like equality.

Your voice is important, and it has the power to bring about positive change in the world. Continue to be a beacon of inspiration and continue to share your thoughts and creativity with the world.

We look forward to witnessing your journey and the impact you will undoubtedly make.

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Divisha Khair

Grade 6, Ryan International School, Faridabad, Haryana

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