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Image depicting Drawing of Golden Temple: A Child's Vision

Drawing of Golden Temple: A Child’s Vision

Image depicting Drawing of Golden Temple: A Child's Vision

By Snigdhajit Goswami, Maria’s Public School

Hello Curious Times readers! Today, we have a special treat for you – a vibrant drawing of Golden Temple by one of our talented young artists, Snigdhajit. Snigdhajit’s artwork beautifully captures the essence of this iconic Sikh shrine, showcasing its golden domes, intricate architecture, and serene reflection in the surrounding pool.

The Golden Temple, located in Amritsar, India, is not only a place of worship but also a symbol of equality and brotherhood. Snigdhajit’s drawing reminds us of the beauty and significance of this holy site, and it’s a wonderful example of how children’s art can express complex emotions and ideas.

Now, you might be wondering, “How can I create my own drawing of the Golden Temple?” Well, it’s easier than you think! Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Gather your materials: You’ll need paper, pencils, crayons, or markers – whatever you like to use for coloring.
  2. Reference image: Find a picture of the Golden Temple to use as a guide. You can find many beautiful images online or in books.
  3. Sketch the outline: Start by lightly sketching the basic shapes of the temple, including the domes, arches, and the pool of water.
  4. Add details: Fill in the details of the architecture, such as the intricate designs on the walls and the reflection of the temple in the water.
  5. Color your masterpiece: Use bright and vibrant colors to bring your drawing to life!

Remember, art is all about expressing yourself, so don’t be afraid to experiment and add your own personal touches.

We hope you enjoyed this glimpse into Snigdhajit’s creative world. Keep exploring, keep creating, and keep sharing your art with us!

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