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Family is what you make it

Rather than defining FAMILY by a standard definition, I would say each individual look to define a family by their own standards.

FAMILY is what you make it. Whether made up of blood relatives, friends, pets, or a combination of these, your family can offer you the support you need and it mutual. In present days, family is not of blood relations. Many consider friends to be their immediate extended family. It’s up to individual to keep blood relatives or let go if they are toxic to their well-being. These days, people are reluctant to use the word family only for their relations. If someone is not supportive they don’t even hesitate to say they’re not family.

My idea of family is where there is a trust and support one feels about a person. The most vital part for to be called as family is trust between each other. The secured feel one has on other person. The moment you think of a person when you’re in need. Its nothing related to any blood relations as we see many complicated issues/things between the biological relationships. So we cannot really rely on the standard definition of family but it is its individual perspective.

At last, my word to every parent is it is their responsibility for educating the future generation about the importance of the family. The most important in the present day is to make them experience the joint family culture and its fruitful experience.

So as told earlier, FAMILY IS WHAT YOU MAKE IT.

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Kindergarten, National Public School Agara, Bengaluru, Karnataka

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