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Image depicting Garima's Thrilling 'Bloody Adventure' Tale

Garima’s Thrilling ‘Bloody Adventure’ Tale

Image depicting Garima's Thrilling 'Bloody Adventure' Tale

I hit a six and the ball flew over the wall. It was an old abandoned building. As I went to get the ball, I saw it on the floor. As soon as I picked up the ball, the lights started to flicker, doors got closed and the chairs started to float in the air.

I felt petrified and my own blood ran cold as I saw blood splattered all over the house. Suddenly a spooky laughter filled up the whole room. I turned into stone as a woman, covered in white, started to descend down the staircase. Blood started to move towards me.

Scared out of my wits, I ran towards the door which remained locked. I banged, kicked and screamed buty all efforts went down the drain. The moment blood touched my shoe, in a blick of eye, the terrifying woman came in front of my face.

As she started to raise her hand towards my neck, a voice came,”Cut. We will shoot only till here today.

Rest of the shooting shall be done tomorrow.”, said the director of film ‘Bloody Adventure’.

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Garima Mahajan

9, DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi, Delhi

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