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Body, Mind and Soul: Give in your best! Nurture Naturally

I agree that in everything you do,
You must give in your best.
But sometimes, it’s even more important
to give your body, mind and soul some importance and rest.

Your body needs good health and exercise,
Your mantra must be early to bed, early to rise.

We’ve all been given the same soul.
The difference is…how we control!

Give your mind and soul
the peace they need.
Keep learning,
never stop your knowledge feed.

Eating junk does affect your mind, body and soul.
Eating healthy must be your number 1 goal.

Always keep yourself and
your surroundings clean.
For a healthy lifestyle,
the most important is hygiene.

In your daily busy schedules,
don’t forget your hobbies.
Join a class or
read books in your lobbies.

Self-care is a priority, not a result.
Anyone can do it, a child or an adult.

Body, mind and soul,
all combined,
Together make the creature
free yet confined.


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