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Image depicting Shashwat's Wisdom: Honesty Unveiled!

Shashwat’s Wisdom: Honesty Unveiled!

“No legacy is so rich as honesty. ”

William Shakespeare

This explains that the virtue of honesty is more than money or property.

The definition of honesty is the quality of being truthful. Honesty is a state of being completely truthful with yourself, your family, friends, your colleagues at work and other people you come in contact within your everyday life.

It’s extremely important to be honest because ‘Honest citizens’ are big reasons for the development of any nation. Honesty helps to build trust, improve the relationship, develop societies. That’s why honesty is really important to live freely, happy and prosperous in life.

Furthermore, Benjamin Franklin rightly said ” Honesty is the best policy. ” It explains that it’s better, to tell the truth than to lie.

But in today’s world, it is very disappointing to see that most citizens of most of the countries aren’t honest towards their companions, friends, family and government. They are the actual barriers to the development of the country.

In fact, honest is very important for the development of individuals.

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Shashwat Dwivedi

Grade 7, Delhi Public School, Sonepat, Haryana

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