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I wish Rani Laxmi Bai were alive!

Rani Laxmi Bai or or famously known as Jhansi ki Rani is the person I want to bring to life from history.

What was special about Rani Laxmi Bai?

When the Britishers forced Rani Lakshmi Bai to give her throne, instead of giving up she fought against them.

Why do I want Rani Laxmi Bai to be alive?

Women in this century also undergo harassment. When women stand up to do something great, even her own family would insult her and try to put her down by saying that ‘she is a woman’.

In India, the population of girls is less. Even now girls are said to stay inside their house. If Lakshmi Bai was still alive then she would have fought against all the harassment that girls face today.

I am sure that this small writing that I did won’t change anything but if it did then………

Thank you,

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Neshwa Fathima

Grade 9Kannur, Kerala

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