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Arnav’s Marvelous Tribute: Immortal Legacy of Stan Lee

Stan Lee had written many comic books and was one of the most inspiring people. I would like to bring him back because I want to know more about him and the secret of his success. I also want to know how he created such marvelous books.

Since he started writing he has made a ton of famous characters like Spider-Man, Iron Man, Black Panther and many more.

Wikimedia Commons
  • Stan Lee’s works taught me about self-discovery and responsibility, and they often reflected the diversity that is so needed even today. Through his works, he often reflected society.
  • The heroes he created taught us to never give up and always be ready to help someone no matter how bad the situation is. 
  • Lee used his platform to champion equality in many ways. He created characters and situations that sometimes served as metaphors for struggles for equality.

“With great power, comes great responsibility.”

Stan Lee Through Spider-Man

His artistic works and personality have always inspired people.

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Arnav Yadav

7, Amity International School, Sector-46, Gurgaon, Haryana

Comments: 1
  1. Sanaa says:

    Did you know that Stan Lee used alliterative names so that they’d be easier to remember.
    Like -peter parker Bruce banner and so on

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