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Interview with Earth

We go back to the conversation of Mrs. Earth with Dr. Charlotte Watson that was held in the clinic located near the Himalayas.

Doctor– Morning Mrs. Earth, may I please get your full name and age?
Earth– Good morning doctor, I am Mother Earth of age 4.543 billion years.
Doctor– Very well! How can I help you today? What did the humans do now?
Earth– Too much pollution and impurity have made my lungs completely sick. I am having a lot of cough; how can it be treated?

Doctor– The air nowadays is just too tainted by the gases released by the cars. They should reduce the use of cars that emit a lot of gas. People can easily cycle their way to nearby places instead of driving there. Children should go to school using a carpool or bus and must prevent traveling by a private car. In this way, the pollution caused by cars can be reduced.
Earth– Not only that, but my lungs are also giving me a hard time and I am not able to breathe properly.

Doctor– That is because of the number of trees that are being chopped off to build big buildings. Deforestation should not be done the way it is being done right now. Afforestation should be brought into force and the government should make some rules regarding the cutting and growing of plants and trees. The schools should encourage children to plant trees and give them projects to grow trees and spread awareness. The levels of oxygen are decreasing, and we need more trees to maintain the balance.
Earth– I totally agree Doctor. My throat Is turning all red in color and it hurts a lot. Why is that so and how can it be treated?

Doctor– Ah! There is no end to water pollution these days. What to say! Half of the rivers are filled with garbage, trash, plastic, and the rest of it is covered in all sorts of dirt and chemicals one can ever imagine. Rivers should be cleaned, and industries should not dispose of chemicals in the rivers. Cleaning of clothes, bathing of animals near rivers should be prohibited. Oil spills from the shipping tankers and vessels not only pollute the seas and oceans but also damage marine life. More care and precaution should be taken to prevent these.
Earth– I get it now doctor. I also feel very feverish and my temperature is too high. What can be the cure?

Doctor– The main cause for temperature rise is global warming and carbon emission. Instead of burning coal and fuels for energy, more sustainable sources like solar energy, hydroelectricity, wind energy, biomass and other natural and non-harmful sources should be used. Discharge of Ozone-depleting substances should be bought to a minimum. We already have many ozone holes and the ultraviolet rays that are entering our atmosphere are no good for the environment. The greenhouse effect of the carbon dioxide being released is the cause of high temperature and again, the use of polluting cars should be reduced.
Earth– Now I understand doctor. I hope the humans care about the place they live in and help me recover.

Doctor– I hope so too. Have a nice day.
Earth– Thank you, doctor. Have a great day!

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Suhani Khemka


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