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Kalam Sir, please come back. India needs you!

Yes, I would like to bring back Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam Sir, the father of Indian Missile Technology. He was people’s president to the world.

He had left us in between while fulfilling the dream of making our country technologically and spiritually strong. His life and thoughts have changed a lot of people by igniting the fire of innovations, hard work and progress in their minds. He was a great inspiration to everyone by his lifestyle and noble qualities.

I strongly believe that his presence among us will create a positive force. It will help us to react and adapt to failure, learn from them and work harder for the betterment of society and technology for the betterment of India.

He inspired and motivated millions of people to dream big and achieve great goals in life.

He left us while doing what we loved the most, spending time with the students. His presence once again will guide us to invent, travel the unexplored path, discover the impossible, conquer the problems and succeed.

DREAM is not what you see in sleepDREAM is something which doesn’t let you sleep.”

Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam

Kalam Sir, please come back. India needs you.

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Aditya Sreeprasad

4, The Choice School, Thripunithura, Cochin, Kerala

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