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Let’s change the world!

Close your eyes,
And lay on your bed
Think wise
And remember what Buddha said,

Dream big and make the world better,
Think positive and spread happiness, whichever way possible.

Shake hands, respect and love
Look at the blue sky and pray from all mighty up above
Greed and power can corrupt a soul
Make someone feel better, don’t troll.

Let’s change the world,
With our lessons of love and forgiveness
Let’s change hate into love
And tribulation into gladness.

At last, dreams are not those
Who come to you while you sleep
Dreams are those
Who don’t let you sleep

So, put all your efforts and dedication
Into this task,
To end this tribulation,
And remove other’s masks.

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Pranjal Sharma

9, Vidhyashram International School , Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Comments: 1
  1. pranjal_innovator says:

    this was my hardwork..i hope you all appreciate this

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