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Image depicting Music of the soul... A poem by Priya Manohar

Music of the soul… A poem by Priya Manohar

She woke up gently,
Breaking the shield of darkness,
Treading on tiptoes,
And caressing sleeping faces,
Almost apologetically.

Beckoning all to join her,
To see colours unfolding,
To see the skies change its garment,
To listen to nature’s orchestra,
To see the slow dance of leaves, flowers, foliage.

And the flitting of bees and butterflies,
Light-footed and gentle,
Playing hide and seek,
Delving deep on the inside,
To taste the sweetness within.

Today She takes unhurried steps,
For the world has changed.

Eyes are seeing more than ‘ to-do lists’,
Ears are listening to sounds other than the cacophony of hurried scamper,
No shrieking alarms,
Or loud commands.

Every breath is a relief,
Every fragrance a delight,
The taste of air and soil on bare feet,
Calm and poised,
For today is beautiful.

She sees not the scare around her.
She sees the peace within.
She hears the Music of the soul,
And leaves once again, When the world sleeps
Engulfed in her shield of darkness,
Till new dawn.

She will come again,
Dressed in robes of warmth,
To caress you,
And open your eyes to The Creator’s Artistry.

What will you show her then – the chaos within or the chaos without?
Why chaos?
There’s still Music in the soul!

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Priya Manohar

Priya Manohar, a gold medallist in Economics from the Mumbai University, has an interesting professional trajectory starting with Sales and Marketing, moving into Teacher Training, Curriculum Development and the most recent being the Author of three children's books.

Comments: 1
  1. Sanaa says:

    This is a lovely poem Ma’am, I really liked it.

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