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Image depicting My grandfather is my wisdom tree

My grandfather is my wisdom tree

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Every child in our town had a special place to escape, and mine was my grandfather’s backyard. The centerpiece of his lush garden was an ancient oak tree, which I fondly called the “Wisdom Tree.” Its branches sprawled in every direction, creating a canopy of green leaves and filtering the sun into dappled patterns on the ground below.

Whenever I faced difficulties in life, be it a broken toy or a shattered heart, I would run to that tree, finding solace beneath its shade. My grandfather would often join me, his silver hair almost blending in with the bark. Sitting on the tree’s gnarled roots, he’d listen intently as I poured out my woes.

Life Lessons Beneath the Canopy

“Life is much like this tree, my child,” he would begin, placing a hand on the rough trunk. “It has its seasons. Sometimes you’ll face hardships, much like the bare branches of winter, and sometimes you’ll experience joy, similar to the lush greenery of spring.”

His stories were always interwoven with lessons, effortlessly connecting my trivial concerns to broader life truths. When I fretted about friends, he spoke of the branches that sometimes grew in different directions but still belonged to the same tree. When I was disheartened by failures, he’d describe the deep roots of the oak, which kept it grounded despite the storms it faced.

Years went by, and I grew older. College, work, and life in a different city kept me away from the Wisdom Tree. My visits became less frequent, but the lessons I learned under that tree remained with me.

A Lasting Legacy of Wisdom

One day, I received a call. My grandfather had passed away peacefully in his sleep. Heartbroken, I rushed back to the town, memories flooding my mind. As I entered the backyard, the oak tree stood there, tall and unwavering. Beneath it, I found a wooden bench and a letter addressed to me.

“My dearest,” it began, “As you read this, I am no longer with you in person, but remember that I am always with you in spirit, much like the wisdom of this tree. Whenever you feel lost, sit here, and listen to the rustling leaves. They will whisper the lessons I once shared, guiding you as you move forward.”

Tears streamed down my face, but a warmth enveloped me. My grandfather might have left this world, but his teachings and the Wisdom Tree would remain with me forever, guiding, comforting, and reminding me of the undying love we shared.

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Rahul Bhardwaj

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