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My Expressions
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My mother is Goddess to me!

I plunged right into her heart
It was tranquil and deep
Just like a sea
Expanded, taking a silent sleep

As I roamed around
I could see arteries and veins
And the adrenaline rush
When I am in vain

She had so much of void
For more authenticity to fit in
She is kind and makes my world
More pleasant to live in

She has all those memories
Locked inside
Slowly and gradually
All of them are unfolding
Sinking into light and roses

I jumped out of her heart
Fighting and sobbing

I felt her hands
Stale and vandalised
I touched her face
That dives into exasperation everyday
Because of all her efforts
Invading her space

I am not a priest
But I touched her feet
Because she is no less than
A goddess to me

From the Editor:

A Heartfelt Tribute

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s embark on a journey into the world of poetry, where young Gauri from DLDAV Model School, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi, has penned a masterpiece. Gauri, your poem, “My Mother is Goddess to Me,” is not just a collection of words; it’s a heartfelt tribute to the most precious entity in our lives – our mothers.

The Power of Words

In this fast-paced world, expressing emotions through words requires courage and sensitivity. Gauri, your poetic talent is admirable, especially in capturing the essence of a mother. Continue to nurture it; words hold the power to touch hearts and inspire for generations.

A Beacon of Inspiration

Gauri, your poem serves as a beacon of inspiration for young writers and poets. It reminds us all that even in the simplest moments, there is profound beauty. Your work resonates with the essence of love, respect, and admiration for our mothers. Your creative spirit is a guiding light for your peers and beyond.

Continue the Journey

As you continue your journey as a wordsmith, remember that your pen holds immense potential. Keep writing, keep expressing, and keep sharing your unique perspective with the world. Your words have the power to bring smiles, evoke emotions, and inspire change. Gauri, you are a young talent with a bright future, and I encourage you to keep nurturing your gift of poetic expression.

In conclusion, Gauri, your poem is a testament to the enduring love between a mother and a child. Keep writing, keep soaring, and keep spreading the magic of your words. Your poetic journey has just begun, and I have no doubt that it will lead you to remarkable heights. Keep shining, young poet.

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Grade 11, DLDAV MODEL SCHOOL , Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi, Delhi

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