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Navratri: Fruitful Delights & Creative Celebrations

Embrace the Festive Spirit

Navratri is approaching, and it’s the perfect time to immerse yourself in the joyous atmosphere. Kuhu Kacher, your enthusiasm is truly inspiring! Embrace the festive spirit, decorate your surroundings with vibrant colors, and soak in the rich cultural traditions that Navratri brings. Your passion for celebrating these flavors of Navratri is a testament to your zest for life.

Sketching Success Through Pencil Shading

Your dedication to creative pencil shading is commendable. Every stroke you make on paper is a step closer to mastering your art. Continue to explore your artistic abilities, and remember that each shading technique you learn is a beautiful stroke towards your success canvas.

Celebrate Your Achievements with Pride

Submitting your work to Curious Times, a leading platform for children, is a remarkable achievement. Your words will reach countless young minds, inspiring them just as you have inspired us. Celebrate this accomplishment with pride, Kuhu. You are a shining example of creativity and determination, and your contributions make a significant impact in the world of young readers. Keep shining bright!

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Curious Times is a leading newspaper and website for kids. We publish daily global news aligned to your learning levels (also as per NEP 2020): Foundational, Preparatory (Primary), Middle and Senior. So, check out the News tab for this. We bring kids’ favourite Curious Times Weekly newspaper every weekend with top news, feature stories and kids’ contributions. Check out daily JokesPokeTongue TwistersWord of the Day and Quote of the Day, kids need it all the time.

ME – My Expressions at Curious Times is your place to get your work published, building your quality digital footprint. And it is a good way to share your talent and skills with your friends, family, school, teachers and the world. Thus, as you will step into higher educational institutes your published content will showcase your strength.

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Kuhu Kacher

4, La Martiniere Girls' College, Lucknow, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Comments: 2
  1. Kuhukacher says:

    Some error I guess
    It’s Kuhu Kacher s submission from La Martiniere Girls’ College

  2. Rahul Bhardwaj says:

    Dear Kuhu,

    The error has been promptly corrected. We sincerely apologize for the inadvertent oversight and eagerly anticipate your forthcoming submissions.

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