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Image depicting girl, as in, 13-year-old girl gets reward for finding rare 'puffy' chips

13-year-old girl gets reward for finding rare ‘puffy’ chips


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Eating chips can earn you rewards. It seems like a joke, right?

But that is exactly what happened with a 13-year-old girl from Australia. Her name is Rylee Stuart.

Like most other children, this 13-year-old girl happens to like eating chips. One day, while enjoying a packet of Doritos chips, Rylee found a rare puffy triangular chip. She found it very cool and posted about it on Tik-Tok.

Then, to her surprise, the video got viral and earned 600 million views on Tik-Tok. So, some viewers suggested that Rylee should sell this rare chip on eBay. The girl did it and people offered up to US$100,000 for it!

What is eBay?

eBay is an online shopping website. Here, you can also put something up for sale and instead of a fixed price, people will offer money for it. Whoever offers the most money gets to buy the item.

A reward for the rare find

Thanks to social media, the news about Rylee’s puffy chip reached the Doritos company. They were very impressed with her business sense. So, they rewarded her too.

What would you also do if you found something like this very smart girl did?


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Comments: 2
  1. Sshakthi says:

    Nice 👌

  2. jinasaha says:

    Really suprising! Nice discovery!

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