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15 giant tortoises retire after saving their species


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Around 50 years ago, Hood Island giant tortoises were almost extinct (very few in number). These tortoises live in Española, Galapagos Islands in the Pacific […]

Comments: 2
  1. AABIR says:

    Where is espanola?

    • curioustimes says:

      Dear Aabir,

      Española is a city in New Mexico City, United States.

      Española Island mentioned in the news is a part of the Galapagos Islands, which are part of The Republic of Ecuador. The country falls in the South American Continent. You may notice the name ‘Ecuador’. It has emerged as the city is spread over both sides of the equator.
      People primarily speak Spanish in these islands, as these were Spanish colonies.

      Is there anything else, we can help you with?

      Stay Curious!

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