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45,500-year-old cave painting shows oldest painting of an animal

45,500-year-old cave art shows oldest painting of an animal


Recommended for Middle Grades

The oldest painting of an animal

Ancient humans painted many things on the walls of caves, which we are still discovering to this day.

An ancient 45,500-year-old painting of a wild pig was discovered in a cave in Indonesia recently. It is believed to be the oldest known painting of an animal by ancient humans.

The painting is also believed to be the world’s oldest painting, found till now.

Where was the painting found?

The painting was found in a cave called Leang Tedongnge in Sulawesi, an Indonesian island. Other ancient cave paintings have been previously discovered in the same region.

The oldest painting of an animal shows a life-size native pig, with its four legs, tail, snout, ears, bristles, and face warts. This art has been painted with red ochre (ochre is a type of reddish clay used to create paint).

In the painting, you can see the pig looking at two other pigs (but the other images are unclear). You can also see two human handprints above the pig’s butt.


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