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70-year-old man is the oldest to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean


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70-year-old man is the oldest to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean

Frank Rothwell has become the oldest person to row solo (alone) without help, across the Atlantic Ocean. He is a 70-year-old man from Oldham in North West England.

Frank participated in a rowing challenge called the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2020. The Atlantic Ocean is the world’s second-largest ocean. This challenge is considered to be the toughest rowing challenge in the world.

Frank Rothwell started his journey from the Canary Islands on 12 December 2020. After 56 days, 2 hours and 41 minutes of rowing, he arrived at the English Harbour on the island of Antigua. The entire trip was 3,000-miles long (4828 kilometres) long!

The oldest to row alone across the Atlantic Ocean

Through this trip, he has helped get donations of £1 million (about ₹10 crores) for people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s is a disease that causes memory loss. It affects many old people.


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