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Image depicting A blind ice-hockey goalie plays on a a sighted team

A blind ice-hockey goalie plays on a a sighted team


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hi there, enquiring intellect! Today we’re going to learn about an awesome person named Nelson Rego, who is a super cool blind ice-hockey goalie. You know, like in that game you love to play with your friends!

Nelson’s story is super important because it’s about celebrating “International Day of Disabled Persons.” That’s a special day when we show love and support to people who may have different abilities but can still do amazing things!

Magic On Ice

  • Now, Nelson’s story starts in 2001 when his eyesight started to get weaker and weaker until he couldn’t see at all. But guess what? He didn’t let that stop him from doing what he loved – playing ice hockey! Nelson had always dreamt of being a hockey player, and he made that dream come true by becoming a goalie for the Edmonton SeaHawks. How cool is that?
  • In Canada, ice hockey is like a super big deal – it’s their national sport! And Nelson gets to be part of the Edmonton SeaHawks, which is a special team for blind and partially sighted athletes. That means they all love ice hockey just like him, even if they can’t see very well.
  • You know what’s even cooler? Canadian Blind Hockey started the International Blind Ice Hockey Federation, which organizes exciting ice hockey events for players like Nelson. They’re making sure everyone gets a chance to enjoy this awesome sport!
  • But here’s the extra exciting part of Nelson’s story – he recently got to play with a sighted team for the first time! Can you imagine how nervous he must have been? Playing with people who can see can be a bit scary when you can’t see anything yourself. But guess what? Nelson’s teammates were so amazing and supportive! They cheered him on and helped him feel confident. It was like having a team of superheroes!
  • Now, this story is not just inspiring but also super funny and heartwarming. Imagine a blind goalie stopping pucks and making awesome saves! It’s like magic on ice! And the best part is that it shows us that anyone, no matter their abilities, can achieve their dreams with determination and support from friends.
  • So, what do we learn from Nelson’s story? We learn that disabilities don’t define who you are. Nelson didn’t let being blind stop him from being an incredible hockey player. He showed us that with passion and teamwork, you can do anything!
  • So, let’s celebrate International Day of Disabled Persons by cheering for Nelson Rego and all the amazing people out there who are breaking barriers and making the world a better place! You’re awesome just the way you are, and you can do anything you set your mind to! Go, team!

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