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A unique type of storm discovered


Recommended for Secondary Grades

Scientists discover “Atmospheric Lakes”

In a recent study, a new type of weather condition is discovered, which is called “Atmospheric Lakes”. These lakes exist in compact and moisture-rich pools. Scientists call them a unique type of storm.

Where does this storm occur? 

It occurs over the western Indian ocean and moves towards Africa. These atmospheric lakes are similar to atmospheric rivers.

What is atmospheric river?

An atmospheric river is a narrow passage of thick moisture in the atmosphere.

Atmospheric lakes are created by water vapour that is heavy enough to produce rain. They exist in hot and humid regions where the speed of the wind is very low.

Atmospheric lakes and climate change

Researchers need further studies to completely understand the impact of Atmosphere lakes and climate change. For example, they are trying to figure out why these storms remove themselves from rivers and lakes that enable their creation. It’s an extremely interesting space and in the near future we’ll get to know more about these storms and their impact on our climate.

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