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AI and the future of work!


Recommended for Secondary Grades

What, if any, effect do you think AI (Artificial intelligence) will have on the world of work in the near future? This year, one of the most important things people working worry about is how long will keep their jobs.

Experts have come up with a three-step plan to help us understand how humans and AI will work together in the future. Firstly, humans create demand. Secondly, they talk to an AI system to get a list of possible solutions. Finally, they choose the one that works best for them and change it.

This works as a good starting point. But it’s important to remember that AI isn’t actually changing the way organisations produce value.

Experts claim that the first duties that Artificial Intelligence (AI) would automate would be the more everyday ones. This could include driving, delivering groceries or other goods, and similar jobs.

Important details

  • To better understand AI systems, it is helpful to have an accurate mental representation of what they actually are.
  • Imagine them as a kind of map that goes from the inputs to the outputs of the system.
    • For instance, AI that maps the contents of emails to spam’ or other categories is powering the spam detector that runs underneath Gmail.
    • In addition, there also exists an artificially intelligent art generator known as Dall-E that converts English text into its visual representation.
    • AI systems inside self-driving cars intend to map out the next ideal driving move.
  • AI historians feel that in 2022 AI systems truly came of age.
  • These models can generate visuals, music, and text.
  • Furthermore, these are distinguished from AI models that make choices or undertake forecasts by the use of this phrase.
  • Experts feel that technology only occasionally renders entire job categories obsolete.
  • In actuality, all that technology can do is automate operations and lessen the amount of manual labour required for a job.
  • Tools based on generative artificial intelligence will bring about a rise in productivity.
  • In the process, they will also render some tools and talents irrelevant and obsolete.
  • Increases in employment are frequently a byproduct of productivity gains that result in increased profits.
  • Additionally, completely new employment categories are created as a result of technological advancements. For example, before the invention of the aeroplane, there were no such things as pilots.
  • It is difficult to envision what kinds of new career opportunities will be made available as a result of generative AI.
  • Thus, one shouldn’t waste time in trying to perfect talents for a job that doesn’t exist.
  • The right direction is to develop more human qualities.

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