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Amazing Creatures: The Giant Pacific Octopus!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

We have all seen octopuses – on TV or at aquariums. Have you ever wondered how large they can get? Then, let’s learn a little about the ‘Giant Pacific Octopus’ – the largest octopus in the world!

Interesting facts!

  • The giant Pacific octopus (also known as the North Pacific giant octopus) belongs to the cephalopod family. Cephalopods are sea creatures that have arms or tentacles.

Another cephalopod – the squid

  • The giant octopus can grow up to 16 feet and weigh around 50 kg. However, the largest giant Pacific octopus ever found was 71 kg!
  • They eat other smaller creatures like fish, lobsters and shrimp.

giant Pacific octopus under the sea

What are their unique abilities?

  • Like other octopuses, they can change the colour of their skin to look like the environment around them.
  • More amazingly, these octopuses are very intelligent. They can open jars, use tools, imitate other octopuses and can even escape from their aquariums!

Some researchers say that they can even recognise people they meet frequently. So, if you ever go to see one, make sure to leave a good impression.

Watch a video

The Youtube Channel “Discovery” shares additional information about the Giant Pacific Octopus.

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