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American poet Louise Glück wins 2020 Nobel Prize In Literature


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The 2020 Nobel Prize In Literature has been awarded to American poet Louise Glück.

Glück is the 16th woman to win the Nobel literature prize. She is seen as one of the most prominent (important) poets in American contemporary literature.

Glück is a professor at Yale University, US. She made her debut in 1968 with the poetry collection called Firstborn. Till now, she has published 12 collections of poetry and several volumes of essays on poetry.

Her poetry is known for its emotional intensity and its focus on childhood, family life. She also takes inspiration from myth, history, or nature.

Gluck has also previously won the Pulitzer Prize in 1993 and the National Book Award in 2014.

The winners of this year’s Nobel Prize in Medicine, Physics and Chemistry were announced earlier. The Nobel Peace Prize will be announced on Friday and the Economics Prize on Monday.

The Nobel Prize is named after dynamite inventor and businessman Alfred Nobel. He left his wealth to establish the prizes. It has been awarded since 1901 for achievements in science, literature and peace.

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