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Image depicting Amid Europe heatwaves, most households don't have AC's!

Amid Europe heatwaves, most households don’t have AC’s!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Greetings, inquisitive reader!, buckle up! We’re heading off on a wild weather adventure across Europe. Imagine the hottest summer day you’ve ever felt. Now, multiply that by ten. Phew! Sounds scorching, right?

Well, that’s what’s happening in many places across Europe. It’s so hot that they’re breaking records, and not the fun kind like who can jump the highest or run the fastest.

Scorching Summers

  • Now, let’s put on our detective hats. You know those big countries like France, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Croatia, and Greece? Well, they’ve got more than just a summer sizzle, they’re dealing with wild and fiery wildfires too. Picture this: fiery dragons breathing fire, burning forests and cities. Pretty wild, huh?
  • This hot problem isn’t just cooking Europe; it’s sizzling in places like Morocco in North Africa too. People who study our world—scientists—say that if we don’t take care of our planet, we might see more of these heatwaves. Now that’s a real bummer!
  • So, let’s chat about some crazy facts! In France, it got so hot that the temperature shot up to nearly 42 degrees Celsius. That’s like leaving a popsicle out on the sidewalk on a sunny day—it won’t last a minute! And, oh boy, on France’s Atlantic coast, there were wildfires that turned forests into a campfire marshmallow roast. Drone and satellite pictures show us smoke covering parts of the coast like a gray blanket.
  • Thousands of brave firefighters, like superheroes in real life, are battling these wild fires. These flames have already gobbled up about 14,000 hectares of forest—that’s about the size of 14,000 football fields!
  • Heatwaves are still turning places in Spain, Portugal, and Lisbon into barbeque parties, but not the fun kind where we roast hot dogs and marshmallows. Imagine, a fire so big it burned nearly 5000 hectares of land in Morocco’s north. That’s really tough for the firefighters to put out because of the tricky landscape.
  • Now let’s hop to the UK, where the heat is causing all sorts of wacky stuff. Picture this: railroad tracks so hot they turned dark as a chocolate bar and a railroad signal that’s melted like ice cream on a hot summer day. Crazy, right?
  • So what can we learn from all this? It’s like when you forget to water your favorite plant and it starts to wilt—we need to take better care of our planet. If we don’t, we’ll have to deal with more scorching summers and fiery wildfires.
  • In a nutshell, our big beautiful Earth is getting a little too hot for comfort. Just like how we don’t like wearing winter coats in summer, our planet doesn’t like these super high temperatures and fiery wildfires.
  • We’ve got to find ways to keep our Earth comfy and cozy, like turning off lights when we’re not using them, recycling, and planting trees. Let’s be Earth superheroes, shall we?

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Watch a video

Don’t miss this eye-opening ‘How to Survive’ YouTube video packed with tips for tackling a heatwave!

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