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Image depicting An earthquake jolts an Indonesian island!

An earthquake jolts an Indonesian island!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hundreds of people have been hurt by an earthquake on Java, which is the largest island in Indonesia. The US Geological Survey says that the quake was 5.6 on a scale of 1 to 10. It happened at a shallow depth of 10 km and hit the West Java town of Cianjur.

Many people were helped at the scene, and others were taken to hospitals nearby. Rescue workers have been working hard to find anyone who might still be trapped under the rubble of the buildings that fell down.

Key facts!

  • The region that was hit by the earthquake is densely inhabited and prone to landslides.
  • Also in many parts, houses are poorly constructed.
  • Thus these houses were quickly turned to rubble by the earthquake.
  • It is yet unknown how many individuals have been killed as a result of this event.
  • The governor of West Java stated that the tragedy had resulted in the displacement of more than 13,000 people.
  • In addition, more than 2,200 homes had been destroyed.
  • There are still a great number of families in the villages that have not been moved.
  • As a result of the earthquake, the power to local hospitals was cut off.
  • Therefore, many of the injured were treated outside in the parking lot of the hospital.
  • Authorities stated that it may take up to three days for the area to completely regain access to electrical power.
  • The officials were also experiencing a lot of difficulty due to poor mobile phone reception.
  • The quake was also felt in Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia, which is around 100 kilometres distant.
  • As a result, residents in high-rise buildings had to be evacuated.

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