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Image depicting An Egyptian tomb preserves 2,600-year-old cheese!

2,600-year-old cheese preserved in an Egyptian tomb!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Archaeologists in Egypt unearth a number of cheese blocks while excavating an ancient tomb in that country. Clay jars containing the cheese are uncovered during the excavation of the tomb.

In addition to unearthing the clay pots containing cheese, the expedition discovered a number of other containers that are going to be opened in the very near future. These containers were found in very close proximity to the pots containing cheese.

Key facts!

  • Researchers believe that the Egyptians referee to this cheese as Halloumi or “Haram”.
  • In most cases, it is produced using a mixture of goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, and even cow’s milk.
  • Halloumi is the name given to the traditional cheese produced in Cyprus.
  • Its history dates back 2,600 years.
  • The melting point of halloumi cheese is relatively high.
  • As a result, the cheese can be fried or grilled without much difficulty.
  • As per historians because of its properties, it had the potential to become a widespread replacement for meat.
  • The team went on an expedition and found several moulds for halloumi cheese inside clay pots, as stated in the reports.
  • The 26th and 27th dynasties, which were active in Egypt between 688 and 525 B.C., were the beginning of the cheese’s long and illustrious history.

The user “Conservation through tourism” on YouTube explains how to get started in the field of archaeology.

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