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Image depicting An unknown force is causing our galaxy to ripple!

An unknown force is causing our galaxy to ripple!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Astronomers say that our galaxy is always being hit by new waves of energy. They bump and jostle the stars of the galaxy in a crazy dance. And it takes billions of years for the stars to calm down.

Astronomers have a feeling that something like this may have happened before. And that it may have happened more than once over the last few billion years.

Researchers say that the new information should help put together the complicated history of our galaxy.

Key facts!

  • In a new study, scientists say that a nearby small galaxy has crashed into the Milky Way at least twice.
  • The Sagittarius dwarf galaxy is the name for the small galaxy.
  • This has caused stars all over the galaxy to move at different speeds in a strange way.
  • Scientists looked at how more than 20 million stars in the Milky Way moved and compared them.
  • The data showed that there was a strange wave or vibration that seemed to be moving stars all over the galaxy.
  • The researchers came to the conclusion that the ripples were probably caused when the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy passed through our galaxy for the last time hundreds of millions of years ago.
  • Researchers found that there was probably a second collision between the two galaxies that happened even earlier in the universe’s history.
  • This new research is the first to show that those ripples went all the way to the edge of the galaxy’s disc, causing stars to move along the way.
  • This new research is the first to show that those ripples went all the way to the edge of the galaxy’s disc.

What is the Milky Way? Answers Youtube user “SciShow” in the following video.

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